Consider the population of Hispanic (Latino) people in the United States, according to the 2010 US Census. Look at the data in this spreadsheet. Examine the data for the 2010 US Census.

In addition look at these resources before you move on to the task:

US Census data
US Census regions
Part B
Go to your Math Tools and open the Data Plot. Create a histogram of the state data in the column titled % of Total Population for 2010. (Note that you can copy a column of data from the spreadsheet and paste it into the histogram data set.) Set useful limits and intervals and label the histogram appropriately. Export an image of the histogram, and insert it below.

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Part C
Go to your Math Tools and open the Data Plot. Create a box plot of the state data in the column titled % of Total Population. (You can copy a column of data from the spreadsheet and paste it into the box plot data set.) Be sure to add appropriate labels to your box plot. Export an image of your box plot, and insert it below.

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Part D
Describe the spread, shape, and skewness, if any, of the graph.

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Part E
What information about central tendencies can you determine from the histogram and the box plot?

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Part F
Outliers are generally considered to be points that are more than 1.5 × (interquartile range) below Q1 or above Q3. What are the minimum and maximum values for the box plot once you exclude outliers? Based on your box plot, how many outliers do you have?

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Part G
Which states are represented by the outlier data? What do these states have in common that might contribute to making them outliers?

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Part H
According to the US Census data, the Hispanic (Latino) population of the United States as a whole is 16.3% of the total 2010 US population (as shown in cell G5). Where would this percentage fit into the list of the distribution of the individual states on your latest box plot? Does it seem surprising that it would fit there? How might you explain this situation?