Place parentheses around each prepositional phrase. Underline the simple ob
ject of each preposition (some prepositions may have compound objects) and
draw an arrow from each phrase to the word it modifies.
1. God described Job as a perfect man and an upright man.
2. Satan wished for the ruin of Job.
3. God granted Satan permission for his plan against Job's family and possessions.
4. Satan could also touch the health of Job's body but could not take his life.
5. Job's friends blamed sin for his problems.
6. Before his accusers, Job declared his innocence.
God taught a lesson about Himself to Job and his friends.
8. Job acknowledged his lack of comprehension of God's character and prayed for
his friends.
9. God blessed Job with more children and
a double portion of animals.
10. After the end of his trial, Job lived for
many years.