Prophecy is a declaration of knowledge which belongs exclusively to the omniscience of God.
Prophecy is revelation of the supernatural light of God.
Prophecy is explained by God in Deuteronomy 18:18-22, which gives points concerning prophecy:
God put the words in their mouths.
The prophet spoke "only" what God commanded.
People are to pay strict attention to words of God's prophet.
If a prophecy is from God, then the test is that the prophecy will happen exactly as spoken.
Real prophecy is a vital part of the Bible: Biblical prophecy is deeply buried throughout the Old Testament and was also a means of establishing the Old Testament.
Prophecy pervades the entire Bible.
Prophecy, in many cases, is very specific.
Prophecy often deals with events remote in time and with people or kingdoms that do not exist yet.
Fulfillment of prophecy is clear. Fulfilled prophecy constitutes a supernatural act.
Today’s project gives you the opportunity to look more closely at two Old Testament chapters filled with prophecies concerning Jesus Christ.
Here are your goals for this lesson:
Analyze two chapters in the Bible
Identify the Old Testament prophecies with their New Testament fulfillments
Write a 250-word essay
Read Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 paying close attention to the verses below.
Research the verses in the chart below to determine which New Testament verses fulfill the prophecy found in the Old Testament (they are not in order).
Using the list above, write a 250-word essay on how each Old Testament prophecy meets one or all of those guidelines.
Remember to use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling when typing your essay.
Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfillment
Psalm 22:6-7 Romans 5:6-8
Psalm 22:15-16 Matthew 27:39-40
Psalm 22:18 Matthew 27:57-60
Isaiah 53:4-6 Luke 23:33-34
Isaiah 53:8-9 John 19:33-35
Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:35