Carlos, on the other hand, knew the importance of a dollar and the work it took to
earn one. Hadn't his businesses given him the money that he needed to buy his
photographic equipment?... Maybe this was a new customer He could fit this
client in on Thursday afternoons....

Suddenly the light dawned! Teiko was the winner, not he! He stammered something
unintelligible and bolted out the door. Outside he stumbled into Telko, the winner
with her simple camera! He mumbled his congratulations.

"That's the first sensible thing you've said in eons," said Teiko. "For months, you
haven't had time for your friends; you haven't even had time for yourself. You
became a slave to your jobs...."

2. Write a paragraph of five sentences describing why and how Carlos changed by the end of
the story.

3. The reader knows the thoughts and feelings of Carlos, the main character. The reader
learns about Teiko by what she says and does and by what Carlos thinks of her.
a. What do Teiko's speech and actions tell you about her?
b. What do Carlos's thoughts tell you about Teiko?