Question 1: Explain why a historian might not think that this passage provides enough evidence to understand the role of railroad workers during this strike in Columbus?
Question 2: Three documents are described below. Explain whether each document could be used to support the newspaper’s account of the role of the railroad workers in the protest. If the document could not be used to support the newspaper’s account, explain why not.
A July 26, 1877 editorial condemning the railroad workers for their role in the violence by a Columbus newspaper known to be sympathetic to the railroad owners.
A letter written by a railroad worker two days after the protest that describes how he and his co-workers refused to participate in the violence.
Haymarket Riot, 1886
Question 1: Explain why a historian might not think that this passage provides enough evidence to understand the effect of the Haymarket Affair on the growth of anarchism?
Question 2: Three documents are described below. Explain whether each document could be used to support the newspaper’s claims about the extent of anarchist activity in the U.S. in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
An article in an anarchist newspaper from 1910 describing steady growth in the anarchist movement over the previous 40 years.
An editorial in the Chicago Tribune a few days after the Haymarket bombing about the sudden and growing danger of anarchism throughout the United States.
Homestead Strike
How are Goldman and Frick’s claims about the Homestead strike different?