#4 Exterior Angle Theorem
Four angles are formed by extending one side (PQ) of the triangle. Three angles inside the triangle and one exterior angle RQS.
Create a measure randomly for Angle 2 = _________
Create a measure randomly for Angle 4 = _________
Find the measure of Angle 1 = ________ and Angle 3 = ________ based on the angle measures you chose for angles 2 and 4.
Do you need to adjust your chosen angle measures for Angles 2 and 4 so that the interior and exterior theorems for triangles are correct?
How would you make any adjustments?
Choose a different random measure for Angle 2 = _______ and Angle 3 = _______
Find Angle 1 = ___________ and Angle 4 = _____________
How did you find the missing angles?