Consider the following lyrics from "Follow the Drinking Gourd" (page 185 in your textbook)

When the sun comes back and the first quail calls, Follow the drinking gourd, For the old man is a-waiting for to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinking gourd.

What does the coded-language symbolize when the words state to "follow the drinking gourd"?

a) sing the song "follow the drinking gourd" and others will know you are trying to escape to freedom

b) find the big dipper constellation that contains the north star, and follow it toward freedom in the north

c) look for homes with a drinking gourd placed on the porch and you'll know they are angels who will help you find the path north to freedom

d) find your way to the old man's well who keeps quail, and he will give you a drink from the gourd--meaning he'll lead you to freedom