Identify premises and conclusion of the following argument:
Stem-cell research encourages abortions because abortions are a prime source of stem cells. Anything that encourages abortions should be banned. Therefore, stem cell research should be banned.

A. Premise: Stem-cell research encourages abortions because abortions are a prime source of stem cells.
B. Conclusion: Stem-cell research encourages abortions because abortions are a prime source of stem cells.
C. Premise: Anything that encourages abortions should be banned
D. Conclusion: Anything that encourages abortions should be banned
E. Premise: Stem cell research should be banned.
F. Conclusion: Stem cell research should be banned.

Select one:
1. A, C, F
2. B, C, E
3. A, D, E