( The necessary texts are In "AP History File.pptx"Open in protected view. It is a LOT of reading)

Question 1:Ennin relates that the order of Emperor Wuzong resulted in the destruction of more than (____1) Buddhist monasteries and the return of more than 200,000 people to (___2) .

Options for (___1):
A)More than 10,500

Options for (___2):
A) Religious Life
B) The Ascetic life
C) Lay Life

Question 2:Which of the following are reasons for this policy? Check all that apply.
(It is not impossible for it to be all of the above)
A: The emperor was cursed by Buddhist monks.
B:Buddhist monasteries were competing for grandeur.
C:Buddhism was corrupting Chinese morals.
D:Buddhist monks were ordering political assassinations.

Question 3:The Song Dynasty expanded the T’ang use of the civil service exam, which was based on (___) , to select imperial bureaucrats. As a result, there was an increased emphasis on education.

Options for (___):(Select ONE)
A) Buddhist Scriptures
B) Confucian Texts

Question 4:Which of the following are problems that Master Zhu Xi saw in the system and goals of education in China? Check all that apply.
A) Students not willing to suffer through difficulties
B) Teaching children about conversation
C) Students claiming to be too busy
D) Parents ignoring lesser learning

The Necessary Texts Are In AP History FilepptxOpen In Protected View It Is A LOT Of Reading Question 1Ennin Relates That The Order Of Emperor Wuzong Resulted I class=