Choose one of the questions below and thoroughly answer in a post. Only pick one question. Include the question in your answer. You will lose points when not following directions.

You are required to 1.)make one original post (the answer to the question) and 2.)constructively comment on three other student posts. You are also required to 3.)respond to any comments on your original post. Any disrespectful or inappropriate post will be referred to the Discipline Office for disciplinary action. When evaluating and commenting on peer posts include a letter grade based on the grading rubric.

Make sure to cite your source in your response.

If you do not correctly cite your source as shown here, the best grade you can earn is a D.

_________________Insert claim here________________________. According to our text, World History and Geography: Medieval and Early Modern Times, _____________Insert evidence here__________________________. (pg xx)

Spelling and grammar always count.

Grading Rubric: A eligible answers specifically address the question and have 4 to 5 perfectly constructed sentences. B eligible answers specifically address the question and have 3 to 4 well-constructed sentences. C eligible answers make an effort to address the question and have 2 to 3 well-constructed sentences. D eligible answers have 1 to 2 sentences.


1. Identifying: List the major parts of a medieval manor, describing the importance of each part.
2. Explaining Effects: What impact did the code of chivalry have on knights in the Middle Ages?
3. Explaining: What explains the development of cities and towns during the Middle Ages?
4. Analyzing Points of View: If you were a person in business in medieval Europe, why would membership in a guild be important to you?
5. Informative Writing: What new inventions allowed people in Western Europe to grow more food during the Middle Ages? What was the result of the increase in food production?

Answer :