1. Complete the following worksheet

2. Copy the assignment into a Canvas "Text Entry" and fill in the blanks with the answers.

Sphere – A sphere is a ________________________________________________________________________

A complete sphere has ______ Degrees
Degrees are subdivided into _________ and _________
Globe – is a spherical ____________ of Earth.

Map Directions – __________ (up), __________ (down), __________ (right), and __________ (left) on a map.

GPS – stands for "______________________________________" - GPS is a radio wave navigation system that allows users to determine their exact earth located.

Grid System - GPS is based upon segmenting the earth's sphere into a grid system of imagery Lines of ______________ and ______________.

Hemispheres – represent one _________ of the Globe; there are ______ hemispheres: Named the __________, __________, __________, and __________.

North Pole (1) – is ______ Degrees _________ Latitude

South Pole (1) – is ______ Degrees _________ Latitude

Equator – is an imaginary line around the Earth located _____________ between the __________ and __________ poles that divides the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres.

Prime Meridian – a Line of Longitude that runs through Greenwich, England; The Prime Meridian is located at ______ degrees Longitude.

International Date Line – Line of Longitude that runs through the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The International Date Line is located at ______ degrees. This Longitude (meridian) represents the division between Earth's calendar day.

Lines of Latitude – is the measurement __________ or __________ of the Equator; from __________ to __________ degrees.

Parallel – is another name for Lines of Latitude that run parallel to the Equator.
On a Globe – Lines of Latitude on a globe are each marked 10 degrees apart.

Lines of Longitude – is the measurement __________ or __________ of the Prime Meridian; from __________ to __________ degrees.

Meridian – is another name for Lines of Longitude that run from the north to south poles of Earth.
On a Globe – Lines of Longitude on a globe are each marked 15 degrees apart.

Time Zone – one of the 24 regions of the globe through which the same standard of time is used.

Each time zone is roughly __________ Degrees wide (but may have human variations imposed)
There are __________ Time Zones X 15 Degrees equal the 360 Degrees of the Earth's sphere.