You must use C++ as the programming language. Please do the following:
Create a program that illustrates C++ data structures. Your program should do the following:
 Essentially create a mini “database” about cars.
o There will be a custom data structure that stores the details of cars. Each car
will have a make, a model, a year of introduction to the market, a Boolean
option for auto, or manual and a recommended retail price.
o When the program starts it should ask the user to enter the details about 3
different cars (in an array of the data structure above).
o When the input is done, the program should display a menu with the following
 See car details (this option will allow you to choose a car and see it’s
 Update car details (this option will allow you to change the details of a
specific car)
 Print all car details (this option will allow you to print all the details of all
cars to the console)
 Save cars (this option will allow you to save the car details of all cars to
a file)