for help with the assignment, please post your question to your classmates in the course help discussion page before asking your teacher. in this assignment, you will practice computational thinking. you will also practice following directions and attention to detail and will be graded accordingly. visit the bbc bitesize webpagelinks to an external site. for more information on the specific steps used in computational thinking. using your new knowledge, complete the following activity: you have won an all expense paid, around-the-world trip! you must solve the following problems in planning your trip. for each problem (1-4), you will use computational thinking to "solve" each problem. you may only invite one guest to go with you on the trip. you may choose only three (3) continents to visit. you have 120 days from today to start and complete the trip. you are responsible for planning the trip and must submit the plan to the accountant (your teacher) at least two weeks before the trip for the bills to be paid in advance. to complete the plan, you must research and choose your own hotels, short-term vacation rentals, etc., research and choose your own transportation to and from each country and/or continent, along with local transportation, research and choose your dining options (find restaurants in area, do you skip breakfast, lunch or dinner?, does the hotel, hostel, bnb, etc provide meals and/or snacks?, etc). research and choose any tours (paid or free), and the full expense must be no more than $50,000 in us dollars (tax included). note: you may use websites such as expedia, travelocity, etc instead of specific hotel chains and airlines to obtain correct pricing. do not register for accounts with any of these companies for this assignment, please. there is no need to do so. you will obtain prices only (estimates - the prices do not have to be exact). the charges can be an estimate but they must be a realistic offer that you received from an online website (keep a record of your research - which company offered how much for what). note: it cannot be something like "i'll just backpack over the five continents for 60 days so i won't have transportation costs," or "i bought airfare for $2 to zurich from lax". keep it as real as possible. :) create a new word processing document with the name s03ct with your name, e.g. s03ct schmoej to journal your steps in computational thinking. using what you learned in the video lessons and bbc bitesize, revisit the computational thinking steps to complete your plans. for each problem, document each step, numbered 1-5, describing how you worked each step in the computational thinking process. (your teacher will read your journal so make sure they can understand how you completed each step.) decomposition:links to an external site. break down each problem into smaller tasks/sections/reasons. what's involved in completing this problem? take your time with this. pattern recognition:links to an external site. is there a specific task/section/reason that you see yourself using more than once? check for any specific steps that are similar in many of the smaller tasks. abstraction:links to an external site. remove the steps of any problem that are common or "understood". any "understood" tasks/sections/reasons might be a pattern (reflect on this). remember that an abstraction is someth