although both stetler model of research utilization and the iowa model are evidence-based practices they differ in terms of proficiency. while the research utilization affects the changes in practice and is based on outcomes of studies, the iowa model uses the literature to develop answers for clinical questions through conducting relevant evidence-based scope of the issue. they seem to compliment each other although in different hypothetical designs. the iowa method might explore the evidence on clinical trials while the stetler model can help develop the understanding further. differences between the stetler model of research utilisation to facilitate ebp and the iowa model of evidence-based practice to promote quality care is that stetler is used to provide evidence to support when it comes to decision making and gives first step for research related to actions that result in evidence- informed practice while lowa model of evidence- based practice improves the quality of patient care and guide nurses to identify issues related to research solutions and implement changes. they need to compliment to each other because stetler model is the initial step to provide evidence informed practice. therefore the lowa model, are there to work with them as a group to apply the evidence in practice.

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