WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST (see attached file)

3. A half-man and half-goat creature.
4. A monster that was half bull and half man that lived
in a labyrinth.
5. A monster with a human head and lion's body that
gave riddles to travelers.
8. A creature with the body of a horse and torso of a
9. A flying horse.

1. A very large humanoid monster.
2. A giant with one eye.
3. Sea monsters that used beautiful singing to lure
sailors to their doom.
4. A woman with snakes for hair. She could turn
people to stone.
6. A serpent with seven heads.
7. A monster with the body of a bird and the head of a

WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST See Attached File Across 3 A Halfman And Halfgoat Creature 4 A Monster That Was Half Bull And Half Man That Lived In A Labyrinth 5 A Monste class=