Desperately need help with this assignment! ASAP!!

1. Why does the speaker say it is important for her to offer her daughter choices? How does the speaker compare that to the importance of choice for the animals she cares for?
2. Summarize how Holly’s chimpanzee behaviors were different from the rest of the troupe.
3. What approach did the speaker and her team decide to take to help Holly? Give at least three specific examples.
4. What did the team observe about Holly and her troupe over time?
5. Why is offering choice a revolutionary concept at a zoo? Identify an element from what you read in the unit as to how zoos are changing that also serve the purpose of offering animals more choice.
6. Applying this learning to yourself. Identify a time when you might have resented feeling enclosed, but the offer of choices improved your outlook.
7. The speaker mentions some examples of activity bins that they used as enrichment materials for Holly. Identify two materials that you would be curious about giving Holly in a bin to see how she would interact with that material. Keep Holly’s safety in mind as you make your suggestions; avoid things that would endanger her or the troupe!
8. The unit mentions that an important factor in zookeeping is to give animals their space, as they are wild animals after all. How do you think zookeepers balance their need for research and helping specific animals, like Holly with respecting Holly’s need for “wild space.”