Complete only one of the following challenges.(write this in python)

Create a list of things you care about (hobbies, pets, types of car, favorite foods), duplicating some entries. Include some entries more than twice as well. For one of the duplicated elements, use remove to remove the first instance of the value. For a different element that is included more than twice, iterate through the list and remove every instance of the element using pop. Keep track of what the element is, and after you are done iterating through the list, add it back in so that you only have it included one time. Finally, print the list.
Be a gardening robot! Your digital garden is overgrown with weeds. Use two lists and loops to delete the weeds from the garden below. Print the garden after removing the weeds.
Garden: grass, zinnias, grass, tomato, pepper, dandelion, chickweed, grass, strawberry, dandelion, raspberry, chickweed, grass, chickweed, grass
Weeds: grass, chickweed, dandelion

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