Chapter 17: Frederick Jackson Turner
Chapter 19: William McKinley, William James, Mark Twain, "School Begins," "Declined with Thanks"

Choose a submission type
Chapter 21: Manuel Quezon
Chapter 24: Charles Lindbergh, Atlantic Charter
Chapter 25: Truman Doctrine, NSC-68, Dwight Eisenhower
Chapter 28: John Kerry, Nixon
Chapter 30: 9/11 Commission Report, George W. Bush
Once you are completed with reading the documents, type up answers to the following questions in a Microsoft Word document and submit it to this link. Each individual answer should be a
paragraph of approximately 150-300 words. Make sure to use specific examples from the documents themselves in your answers:
1. Explain how these documents describe the argument for and against American expansionism.
2. Explain how these documents describe how U.S.'s foreign policy goals evolved over the course of these documents, from the late 19th through the early 21st century.

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