Please help!
B) Research related info that will tell you more about the problem or help you solve it.
i. List the sources you used at the end of the student work sheet. (done, but pls read it may help with step 3.)
Stable buildings: We have to make sure that our buildings are able to survive strong storms and also earthquakes.
Moreover, poor countries may often not have the knowledge nor the resources to build stable homes.
Thus, especially people in these countries must improve in order to be more resistant to natural disasters.
It is the responsibility of developed countries to.provide help and share insights in order to make buildings more resistant to natural disasters, also in poor countries
Step 3: Design solutions of the problem.
A) Establish criteria that your solution should meet. List them from most important to least important.
(What I did so far)
-Must be able to withstand both hurricanes and earthquakes
-Buildings must be able to stay stable