The IPO Corporation is committed to providing our employees a safe and professional workplace. Company policies are guidelines. They should be followed on a day-to-day basis. IPO has high standards.

Time Cards:
IPO uses a time card to keep track of the hours each employee works. Time cards are placed in each employee's box on the Monday after payday. You are expected to punch your time card when you arrive at work and when you leave. The accounting department processes time cards after they are handed in on Friday.

Dress Code:
Employees should dress appropriately for each facility. Use your best judgment when choosing what to wear for work. The dress at our corporate offices is business casual. Employees should not wear jeans, ripped clothing, sneakers, baseball hats or open-toed shoes.

Work clothes are acceptable for warehouse employees. Jeans are fine, but they should not have holes. Employees who receive vouchers for steel-toed boots are expected to wear the boots at the warehouse. Voucher applications are available in the Human Resources office.

Employees receive vacation time six months after the date of hire. Each employee receives 10 days of vacation each year. This does not include company holidays. You must request vacation time at least one week prior to the date. This helps your manager ensure complete coverage of your shift.

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Company Policies

The IPO Corporation is committed to providing its employees with a safe workplace. The policies should be used as a guideline and should be followed every day. Time cards are available every Monday. Punch the card when you arrive at work and when you leave.

Company Policies

Company policies should be followed daily. Punch your time card when you arrive and when you leave. Dress at corporate is business casual. Work clothes are fine for the warehouse. You get vacation time after working for six months. Notify the manager ahead of time.

Company Policies

Employees are expected to dress appropriately for the facility in which they work. Corporate offices are business casual. Do not wear jeans, sneakers or baseball hats. Work clothes are okay for the warehouse. Jeans are fine, but they can't have holes.