FADIADERBI45GO FADIADERBI45GO Spanish Answered FIRST WATCH THIS VIDEO: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lo-que-puede-un-cuerpo-what-the-body-can-do/id1317493077?i=1000469549137 Below make a list of Spanish words (in Spanish) you come across that you recognize while listening: What did Ana struggle with? (English answers for the rest) Why was Ana uncomfortable in Barcelona, what did she do to fix her pants? What are some notes about the Argentine accent? What did family tell her would make her happier? What kinds of things was Ana allowed to eat? What happened when Ana turned 11? What was the standard of beauty in 1990’s Paraguay? What did the pediatrician tell Ana and her mom? Why was this dangerous for her? What was the fiesta de San Juan, and what do kids do during this holiday? What happened at age 17 that was such a change for Ana? What did the nutritionist recommend that she do/join? What kinds of things did she do to lose weight? Did Ana keep off the weight she lost? What happened to Ana when she went out with her friends? What did she do before she went to visit Martin? What happened in Argentina in 2017, and what was the goal? What types of locations were these workshops given? What do fat activists argue about obesity? What important movement is Ana a part of? :)