SMOKERUNGO SMOKERUNGO Mathematics Answered NEED HELP (ASAP) IF YOU ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST 1.) Select from the drop-down menus to correctly complete each statement. −7<−4 −4<−1 −4 is located to the Choose... (left or right) of −7 on a number line. −4 is located to the Choose... (left or right) of −1 on a number line. 2.) Which arrangement shows −2/75 , −4.1 , −5 3/5 , and −3 in order from least to greatest? 3.) Order the decimals from least to greatest. -1.38 -1.4 -0.5 0.76 1.9 4.) The temperatures of three commercial freezers are as given. −13°F< −12°F<−9°F Select from the drop-down menus to correctly complete the statement. The inequality statements show that −13°F is Choose... (warmer or colder) than −12°F, and −9°F is Choose... (warmer or colder) than −12°F. 5.) Bella measured these outside temperatures for each of four days. Day One: −14°F Day Two: −7°F Day Three: +3°F Day Four: −5°F Which temperature was the coldest? (A) −14°F negative 14 degrees F (B) +3°F positive 3 degree f (C) −5°F negative 5 degrees F (D) −7°F negative 7 degrees F