WHAT CAN SUCCESS IN SELLING DO FOR YOU? When it comes to higher income; learning techniques in professional selling can do many personal things for you. There are 3 false statements below.

1. Dealing with customers is more exciting that the routine work involved in most other jobs.

2. Selling brings out the best in your personality. 3. Salespeople are made, not born; if you don't plan and work hard, you'll never be exceptional at

selling 4. Very few executives start out as salespeople.

5. Those good at selling can often quickly improve their income.

6. Learning to sell now will help you succeed in any job in the future. 7. In your first sales job, what you leam can be more important that what you earn.

8. Selling is less demanding than other jobs.

9. You have less freedom in most selling positions.

10. Smile uses fewer muscle than a frown.

After choosing state why it is false.