Can someone please help me with this project??

List these work values in order according to the priority you place upon them for your own work. (You can simply number them, or rearrange them. Rearranging the order will help you better see which values have higher priority for you.)

Achievement: performing well and reaching one's goals
Approval: having one's work rated favorably
Authority: the right to command or influence others
Conducive environment: having favorable surroundings
Contentment: feeling satisfaction with one's job
Creativity: being able to do original, imaginative things
Financial return: the amount of money received for working
Freedom: having unrestricted self-determination
Harmony: experiencing agreeable relationships with others
Intellectual stimulation: arousing mental activity
Prestige: being held in high esteem by others
Security: the assurance of keeping one's job
Service: rendering help or assistance to others
Variety: altering activities and avoiding routine tasks