A strip footing of width 3 m is founded at a depth of 2 m below the ground surface in a (c - )
soil having a cohesion c = 30 kN/m2 and angle of shearing resistance = 35°. The water table
is at a depth of 5 m below ground level. The moist weight of soil above the water table is 17.25
kN/m3. Determine (a) the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil, (b) the net bearing capacity,
and (c) the net allowable bearing pressure and the load/m for a factor of safety of 3. Use the
general shear failure theory of Terzaghi.
B) If the water table in (A) rises to the ground level, determine the net safe bearing pressure of
the footing. All the other data given in A remain the same. Assume the saturated unit weight
of the soil sat= 18.5 kN/m3